
I’ve wanted to be a writer since I was little. Once I grew up I realized that I wanted to be a philosopher. Then, I found out philosophy was dead, so I decided to become a philosophical fiction writer. I’ve learned from taboo artists (Prince, David Bowie, Friedrich Nietzsche, Jackson Pollock, Andy Warhol, Tony Hawk, Jackie Chan, Björk, etc.) that you should do what you want to do, because the best profits are invisible. (That might not be true, but some lies are best to believe.) This blog is where my two passions intertwine.

There is no point in stepping where everyone else has stepped, so I try to look for new places to put my footprints.

A little more about me:

  • I’m multiracial
  • I have allergies to almost everything
  • I suffer from chronic illness but won’t be defined by it
  • I believe the greatest minds are androgynous (Thank you, Samuel Coleridge and Virginia Woolf)
  • I’m a novice songwriter
  • I’ve studied Philosophy, Theology, and Writing extensively, and have a Master’s Degree in Creative Writing.

Nevertheless: I write. I read. I breathe. I evolve (well, hopefully).

Below is a bio in third person because apparently that is how they’re supposed to be done.

Benjamin Grossman received his MFA in Creative Writing at Rosemont College. He earned a Bachelor of Arts in English from Saint Joseph’s University, where he also earned a minor in philosophy and concentration in Theology.

He writes screenplays and novels, as well as poetry and flash fiction. His work is published or forthcoming in the Eunoia Review, The Rusty Nail, Apiary, and The Camel Saloon. His novel The Land Without Footprints: Shadows Amongst Shadows (Sweatshoppe Publications, 2013) comes from a series he began writing at 17.  The novel focuses on a future kingdom set amid crumbling taboos. Below is a quick synopsis:

The story is set in the Modern Middle Ages, the age after the ages of Earth, when humans inhabit a planet where, unbeknownst to them, the moons control every action. What remains of the Earth is confined to books. In fact, many have decided to live by the rules of those books once called fiction. But no fiction or reality rules over the Mystic. He rules by only two laws: obey his desires and obey your desires. His desires are twofold: virgins and immortality. However, the desires of his subjects are as wicked as ever known. But the Dagens, a family rooted in the old ways of society, cannot give into their desires. They cannot kill just to kill, hate just to hate, destroy just to destroy. Yet if society is to become what it once was, the Dagens must destroy freedom and place chains around those who no longer wish to be chained.

26 comments on “About

  1. Hi Benjamin. I want to thank you for stopping by my blog recently. I truly enjoy reading poetry and sharing my own with others. I’ve just spent the most wonderful time reading your Breakdown of Taboo blog and find your style and presence most unique and alive. I find your poetry absolutely riveting…. Thank you for sharing.

  2. bejamin4 says:

    You’re welcome. Thanks for your kind words. I hope you have continued enjoyment reading and writing.

  3. pi314chron says:


    I’m so glad you visited and decided to follow my blog on: http://randalane.wordpress.com
    “Randa Lane…” is primarily devoted to haiku, tanka, and other short verse forms. I’ve just begun to explore your site and find your writing very impressive. I look forward to reading everything you post! ***  ***

    Best Success,


  4. Hi Benjamin! I saw you over at Kat’s place, sniffed out your comment on her Ocean Post, and decided I liked how it smelled. So I followed you home. Got anything eat?

    Philosophy and Theology, eh? In my case the major was Philosophy. Favorite topics, logic, epistemology, and philosophy of the sciences. Double minor. Anthropology and Comparative Religious Studies. Not quite Theology, but close, I think.

    Nietzsche was my first philosopher. I was in a bookstore. On a lark, I reached my hand blindly out, pulled back a book. Beyond Good and Evil. Age 15.

    By the way, I’ve heard Graham crackers were invented for the same reason as cornflakes. Dr. Graham thought anything spicy led to masturbation. That was just the tip of the iceberg when it came to his life-long obsession with sex.

    What was it with those duded back then?

    “You should do what you want to do”. — One of the two best bits of career advice I ever got.

    Didn’t take it.

    Not until I was 37. And I didn’t take the other bit of great advice until I was 37, either.

    Looks like you’ve got a great blog here!

  5. bejamin4 says:

    Very close. Theology, philosophy, sciences are all trying to answer the same whys and hows they just come to different conclusions at certain times. I didn’t know about Graham crackers: that’s a very interesting addition. I supposed it takes us a long time to evolve mentally in the same way it took us to evolve physically. But some of us are ahead of our time, people such as Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, Sartre. That’s impressive to be reading those kind of thoughts at 15. I couldn’t imagine handling those so young. You’re definitely right about about doing what you want in the sense of a career. It’s good we can still change our paths when we’re stumbling. Thanks, sincerely, for visiting and leaving some words and motivation to keep going in the right direction.

    • As it happened, Benjamin, I didn’t understand any more of Nietzsche at 15 than you would expect me to have. But he did inspire me to pursue philosophy went I got to uni.

      I agree — if we evolve mentally at all, it certainly takes a long time.

      • bejamin4 says:

        That makes sense. I still have trouble with his concepts even now. But if it gave you the inspiration, not everything was lost in your translation of his ideas. Some part of you understood his theories, even if more of it was coming from a feeling than a knowing understanding.

  6. You are a fabulous writer… I can see a lot of passion burning in there.. Carry on.. Great to come across your blog

  7. GriffithsKL says:

    Yes but HOW would Cornflakes stop masturbation?

    • bejamin4 says:

      A bland diet was seen as a way to curb or suppress sexual appetites. A semi-odd conclusion but it was believed once. Kellogg was essentially trying to make anti-aphrodisiacs.

  8. jodi says:

    What an enjoyable read 🙂

  9. simplymesmc says:

    “I suffer from chronic illness but won’t be defined by it” – I love how positive this is! You are very talented. Keep writing, I love reading them.

  10. tornadoday says:

    I love this. When the rest is gone, I will remain in words (dreams want for evidence in being). Did I mention I love this? I so do……….

    • bejamin4 says:

      Thank you! I like this: “When the rest is gone, I will remain in words (dreams want for evidence in being).” We should never underestimate the power of words, the way certain ones stay with us. Words give us all a bit of semi-immortality. Thanks again for stopping by. Hope you’ll have a great rest of your week!

  11. Msdedeng says:

    Well, this is an impressive bio. I found hints of spirituality in some of your poems, so when I saw Theology listed among the many subjects you have studied, I thought, Bingo! there it is. 🙂

    • Oh, thanks a lot! Yes, I’ve studied some world religions. But there’s always much more to learn. So many nuances to all these subjects. Spirituality is at the root of the human beginning, I think. Thanks for leaving words here!

      • Msdedeng says:

        I am interested in Buddhism. Do you know anything about the religion? I learnt a little about its origin in my history class, and found it quite interesting. Its practices are the closest to spirituality, I find. Something that REALLY interests me about any religion is that, somebody started the trend, which attracted a following. I wonder if you share my opinion.

      • Sure, yes. Buddhism. I know some of it. I know more about lots of religions, however, and concepts than just any one particular. My focus has always been more on scope than individualism in regards to the topic. There are different branches of Buddhism, (as well as the same for lots of religions). You may like checking out Taoism and the Tao Te Ching, as a suggestion. And well, yes any religious movement starts with something like you say, but it’s much more involved and complicated, also. But I do think “gossip” and “sharing” and “community” (and lots of other things) are important for any religion to flourish on a large scale. It’s a really big idea you bring up. We could never fully get to root of it in this small space. Spiritually starts so far back it’s hard to know exactly how it all started, but the worship of nature is most likely. And you’re right that it had to start somewhere. All things have a starting place!

      • Msdedeng says:

        Thank you for taking the time to explain somethings to me .

      • Welcome. Thanks again for coming by here.

  12. Impressive bio and blog, I see you are from the Philly area. I grew up in the area and studied at Uarts.

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