Nominated: Sunshine Blogger Award


The Rules:
• Thank the person who nominated you and provide a link back to their blog so others can find them.
• Answer the 11 questions asked by the blogger who nominated you.
• Nominate 11 other bloggers and ask them 11 new questions.
• Notify the nominees about it by commenting on one of their blog posts.
• List the rules and display a Sunshine Blogger Award logo on your post and/or your blog site.

This is the Sunshine Blogger Award. My nomination comes by way of J. M. Lilin. Follow her blog if you haven’t already. She’s beyond amazing! But don’t take my world for it. Find out yourself.

Questions for me:

1. What author do you look up to most? Roald Dahl; he was the first novelist that actually made me care about reading books. But mostly I look up to artists in other mediums than writing.

2. Do you prefer to be alone or to be in the crowds? I prefer to be alone. Or in a crowd if I was holding the hand of the right person!

3. If you choose to have a special ability/super power, what would you choose? Teleportation. But like that movie Jumper or maybe just Nightcrawler from the X-Men maybe so I could see the one I love anytime I wanted, even if only for a moment here and there.

4. When you were younger, who did you want to grow up to be? Michael Jordan. Who didn’t want to stick out their tongue like that while dominating the competition? Or maybe … Jordan Knight, the lead singer of the New Kids On The Block (totally used to reenact “Baby I Believe In You” live video as a kid; watch that one from the 90’s) … or maybe … it changed from day to day.

5. Did you ever have an imaginary friend? No. Never. I had a poetic alter ego, however, but he rarely ever comes out now.

6. What fiction character do you feel like you relate to the most? Eeyore from Winnie-the-Pooh. If anyone wants to take these dark clouds from above my head, you’re welcome to.

7. What truly inspires you to write? Love in its many forms: the love of something (a person, music, art, etc.) I learned long ago you can find inspiration in anything. But for me it’s mostly the love of music which I find as my number one inspiration. Well, I shouldn’t say that. Really it’s always HER. Just HER maybe.

8. When it comes to writing, does the city or nature inspire you most? Nature. There’s much more beauty in natural-made things. If you want a cure for almost anything it’s already out there in nature. When did we forget that?

9. When did you start writing? The third grade (or maybe before). I wrote 100 pages of some story that had to do with my life living as rock.

10. Have you published or ever written a book? Written numerous books; most of them nobody has ever seen. I had one book published years ago. The Land Without Footprints: Shadows Amongst Shadows (2013).  It’s a fantasy novel about a world where there are no laws and only books have survived of Earth’s culture. Unfortunately it’s out of print, but maybe I’ll post the rest of it on this site soon … if I get around to it.

11. Would you rather read or write, and do you prefer nonfiction or fiction? I’d rather write when it’s going well and read when it’s not. I prefer fiction. But I have to read everything I can about history and philosophy and science and sociology and music and…. So, both are good.

Questions For My Nominees:

  1. What genre of music do you think your writing falls under?
  2. Do you prefer falling or landing?
  3. Would you take a one-way trip that landed you on Mars?
  4. What does your writing space look like?
  5. Did you like reading when you were young?
  6. What would you tell your younger self … if anything?
  7. Anything you care to share with the blogging world that you haven’t told already?
  8. Tell us your favorite place to travel or the place you hope to travel to next?
  9. What is next for you writing-wise?
  10. What’s your favorite thing to write: poetry, short stories, or novels?
  11. What novel would you choose to re-read for the rest of eternity?

My Nominees:

I wanted to nominated everyone. 11 is never enough. But have a look at these wonderful blogs!

  1. Cassa Bassa
  2. scifihammy
  3. Jay Bleu
  4. Lynette d’Arty-Cross
  5. JZ Writer
  6. uzzawal1911
  7. singhpiyush6089
  8. Lia
  9. radhikasreflection
  10. wardah
  11. Garima Rawat

53 comments on “Nominated: Sunshine Blogger Award

  1. Tom says:

    Ditto to Roald Dahl 🙂

  2. scifihammy says:

    Congratulations on your Award and Thank you for nominating me. 😀
    I enjoyed reading your answers. 🙂

  3. Congratulations Benjamin. Interesting answers and I enjoyed reading them. Thanks for the nomination!!

  4. Cassa Bassa says:

    Thank you so ,much Benjamin. I am honoured.

  5. Cassa Bassa says:

    My Answers:

    1. What genre of music do you think your writing falls under? Alternative
    2. Do you prefer falling or landing? Falling in particular free falling
    3. Would you take a one-way trip that landed you on Mars? I am afraid I am not interested in Mars
    4. What does your writing space look like? My bed
    5. Did you like reading when you were young? Very much, reading was an escape for me
    6. What would you tell your younger self … if anything? “leave it in God’s hand”
    7. Anything you care to share with the blogging world that you haven’t told already? I don’t always write about myself even I write with “I”
    8. Tell us your favorite place to travel or the place you hope to travel to next? Visit the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam
    9. What is next for you writing-wise? A collaboration collection of painting and poetry
    10. What’s your favorite thing to write: poetry, short stories, or novels? Poetry due to lack of patience and I am a person with few words when it comes to self expression
    11. What novel would you choose to re-read for the rest of eternity? The Bible

  6. J. M. Lilin says:

    Thanks for accepting, Bejamin. I loved reading your answers. Honest and relatable. It’s always fun to get to know inspiring and creative authors, so thanks for that.
    Have a spectacular week and keep on writing. I truly enjoy your work and hope your goals are reached.
    With love as your reader,
    J. M. Lilin.

  7. Jay Bleu says:

    Congrats! I can relate – started writing in about 5th grade… I won a scary story contest. Kind of funny since I don’t write scary stories often LOL.

  8. uzzawal1911 says:

    Thanks for the nomination @Benjamin, much appreciated!
    Your poems are amazing, and it is an award well deserved!
    All the best, keep up the good work! 🙌

  9. Loved reading your answers. Always nice to learn something new! You’re truly such an intriguing person. 🙂

  10. Lia says:

    100 pages of a story in third grade! 🤩 That is incredible!! Truly. It’s mind-blowing… no wonder you can write novels. I salute you sir. 👩‍✈️🖖 haha. And Eyore was my favourite character in that bunch. 🤗 Benjamin, congrats on your Sunshine award and I am beyond surprised and honoured to be nominated! 🙌🙏😍🎉 Also I’m very excited to check out some new-to-me bloggers. Your questions…. out of this world!! Truly! The first and the last one especially… you do have a genius way with beginnings and endings. Thanks so much and well, thanks so much. 🙏😊🙏✨

    • bejamin4 says:

      So kind! Always! Thanks for the support. Beginnings and ending are very important. That’s most of what we remember usually. AND YOU’RE WELCOME! That’s interesting you liked Eeyore; I think liked him, too, though. His somber tone was endearing in some way.

      • Lia says:

        🙂 As usual I said way too much, and left out the part about middles. You’re pretty much the poetic bomb in my books, hope you know it by now. :))

      • bejamin4 says:

        Thanks 🙂 Your comments are unforgettable. Thanks for supporting me. It’s something I’ll always remember. And you know I learn a lot from reading your words.

      • Lia says:

        This comment makes me feel teary-eyed for some reason, I often feel I don’t communicate well enough to be understood. But I couldn’t not support you, (I’ve sometimes tried haha) it’s a pleasure to support you, your writing is that good. 👍🌟👌🌊

      • bejamin4 says:

        I think we all feel levels of misunderstanding through our life. Some people get us better than others. But … I feel your good with your words. Virtual friendships and communities are real in this day age. I appreciate the way you think. Haha. Thanks for supporting me again in spite of your efforts to not support me. That means it’s even a more true kind of support, perhaps. Thank you sincerely. Stay safe! Enjoy your day!

      • Lia says:

        Haha. well thanks for finding some of my work via my other blog. that was very critical timing for me and I’m sure it wasn’t a big deal at your end but it was nice at my end, to find such good poetry in return. Yes, stay safe and enjoy!

      • bejamin4 says:

        What I’m learning is everything is a big deal … or could be a big deal, at least. You just never know until you really know. Every little thing can make an impact or change your point of view. Little things interconnected eventually become bigger than the big things. It’s a mutual feeling. 🙂

      • Lia says:

        🙂 Nice to hear that. One thing for sure is it’s all very creatively stimulating. And creativity is very healing… and inspiring, and when shared, it’s positively stimulating for others, as well as for ourselves. Thanks for being a supportive inspiration. 💛

      • bejamin4 says:

        Yes, agreed 🙂 Welcome always.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Congrats! And thanks so much for nominating me! You’re a very kind blogger 🙂

  12. wardah says:

    Congrats, and thank you so much for nominating me!!

  13. JUST EKTA says:

    Congratulations Benjamin 🙂

  14. Congratulations! 😀 And thank you so much for the nomination! I don’t accept them, but I will answer your questions and link back to you and also pass on your other nominees in a post. Cheers, Lynette

  15. bejamin4 says:

    You’re welcome 🙂 And thanks. I look forward to your answers 🙂

  16. Shan❤ says:

    Congrats 👏🏼👏🏼

  17. Congratulation on your award nomination. Remain safe.

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