46 comments on “It’s Not Enough

  1. yassy says:

    It’s never enough. Tell her again , Ben.
    Great poetry from you.

  2. Ace says:

    Awe, lovely Benjamin. Nice simple but deep piece 🖤🤗

  3. Cassa Bassa says:

    It reminds me of the song lyrics “you are so beautiful to me….”

  4. R. says:

    Every word, every line (as always) is : Beautiful ❤️

  5. gabychops says:

    Yes, Benjamin, you do know how to write a poem that would melt a girl into the ground.!!

    Some girls are lucky!


  6. Seoul Sister says:

    Your love poems have a healing power💖🙏🤗

  7. V.J. Knutson says:

    You are so sweet Benjamin. I am currently separated from my husband (he’s in hospital) and your poem reminds me of how many ways he says he loves me every day by the things his does.

  8. Alina says:

    Aww… short and sweet 👏

  9. So pure and beautifully written!

  10. Lia says:

    Very sweet for your mystery lady… and looking very beautiful with your new profile pic, Benjamin. :))👌🕺🙌😊

    • Thank, thanks. I have a theory that if you take a picture while you’re thinking of the person you love you get infused with a bit of their beauty. Perhaps that’s all that is happening here. I got too lucky that some of her beauty and style and grace shines onto me. And I was just missing her (if I’m honest), because I love her like a word loves a page. Thanks for your kindness. Hope you’re safe up North! Have a great Monday!

      • Lia says:

        Benjamin, that is so sweet… honestly you really do know how to melt hearts… even one (or many, more likely) who’s just rooting for you and this positive-infectious love you’ve got going on. Beautiful poetic words, and good photo tip too. It’s definitely working for you!! We can all use a beauty treatment like that, haha. :)) A very happy Monday to you too, and take good care of yourself. :))

  11. Ali Grimshaw says:

    it sounds like love is in the air.

  12. Succinct and right on, lol. Cute.

  13. -Eugenia says:

    Beautiful! ❤️

  14. DiosRaw says:


  15. DiosRaw says:

    Wow. 🌹

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